2015 print programs are going out this weekend
Beginning Saturday May 30, pick up your 2015 festival program from one of these distribution partners.
Downtown Rideau
Arts Court / 2 Daly
Wine Rack / Rideau & Nelson at Loblaw’s
Wine Rack / 54 Byward Market Square
I Deal Coffee / 176 Dalhousie
Seed to Sausage General Store / 729 Gladstone
Wine Rack / 277 Elgin
Wine Rack / Bank & Somerset at Hartman’s
GCTC / 1233 Wellington W
West End Well / 969 Wellington W
Wine Rack / Richmond & Kirkwood at Superstore
Wine Rack / Bank & Third
Old Ottawa South
Wine Rack / Bank & Hopewell
Just wanted to say, I went to the wine rack in the glebe and apparently they’re not supplying them. Just a heads up.
Dropped them off personally! They may be out by now.