Blogging about Fringe: June 19, 2009
Fringe may have only just begun, but artists and audiences are already blogging about us. Here’s a round-up of what’s been said over the last few days on local blogs.
The Wellington Oracle has an interview with Sterling Lynch about Satanic Panic (or The Death of Al Pacino), a list of 10 Must See Shows, and 40 Second Fringe pitches to help you navigate the festival.
Performer Nancy Kenny (of No Exit Upstage) has Tips for Producing a Fringe Show, a plug for her own show, and her own list of must-see shows.
The aforementioned Sterling Lynch discusses Zombies and blow jobs (really) and re-caps the opening night party.
The Ottawa Arts Newsletter re-caps Day 1, previews Day 2, and reviews Keir Cutler’s Is Shakespeare Dead?
Another review: TheatreGirl on Heebs and Dweebs.
Over at a sibilant intake of breath, we’ve got more Fringe recommendations.
And finally, HM runs down the Top 10 Reasons she loves the Ottawa Fringe (and why you should too).
Happy Fringing everyone!
If you’re a local blogger and would like your posts about the 2009 Ottawa Fringe Festival to appear here in the future, please send an email to