16 Second Fringe Pitches
In celebration of the Fringe’s (sweet) 16th anniversary in 2012, I invited Fringe artists at our Festival Launch to pitch their shows in 16 seconds. Here’s a small sample of what’s in store at Fringe over the next two weeks!
(apologies for the bad lighting and focus – it was dark in there! – and thanks again to Lunenburg Pub & Bar and Downtown Rideau BIA for sponsoring the event!)
Sigh. No Bear & Co. love? Who does a theatre company have to sleep with to get a little Fringe coverage now and then… No seriously, we need names, 16 seconds is all we need. :-) Tis’ Pity She’s A Whore plays Bronfman Amphitheatre June 15-17 and 21-23 @ 9 pm.
Sorry guys! The lighting and focus was particularly bad for your pitch. The footage wasn’t useable at all, sadly….
I was wondering what happened there. The whole Bear and Co. pack was out that night…furry pimp coat and everything. A pox on you, dimly lit bar atmosphere!