UNSUNG: The Accidental Villains of History

Created by Mackenzie Langdon | Produced by Duck and Roll Theatre | Origin: Toronto, Canada
Arts Court Theatre
14 + fees

Show Details

The original musical, UNSUNG: The Accidental Villains of History, introduces the characters who unknowingly set the stage for some of the world’s biggest disasters, all while delivering catchy tunes and witty humour.

Content Notes

Violence: There are no displays of violence in the show. But since it is about historical disasters, violence and death are mentioned frequently.

Abrupt Loud Noise: There is a sudden blade sound effect in comedic context.

A transcript will be available for this show.

Click Here For Transcript


  • Thursday, June 1310:30PM
  • Saturday, June 157:30PM
  • Monday, June 177:30PM
  • Wednesday, June 199:30PM
  • Friday, June 216:00PM
  • Saturday, June 225:30PM
Buy Tickets

Hear untold stories, from the admissions director who rejected Hitler from art school to the animal-loving guard who let in the Trojan Horse. This show is sure to entertain!

17 responses to “UNSUNG: The Accidental Villains of History

  1. A fantastic show. Great music performed by a talented cast. Storylines are super interesting. Saw it last year and can’t wait to see it again!

  2. Great concept, great music, great acting. See this show — you won’t be disappointed!

  3. 10/10 would recommend! Such smart jokes mixed with a musical genuinely made it a such great show. The physical comedy and props were the cherry on top!

  4. I saw this last year and had a great time; I saw it again this year and had an even GREATER time!!! This show is super tight and put together so well, with such a charismatic cast! I would highly recommend the show if you need to have a fun song stuck in your head about the stock market crashing!

  5. An excellent witty comedy with top-notch, singing and acting! Highly entertaining and worth seeing.

  6. From the opening note, I knew we were in for a treat. The actors’ four voices sound so good together. Superb and catchy songs. Best of all: the props, staging and performances! Seemed clear to me: the actors were having a blast and did whatever the most hilarious thing was in that moment! Also: the concept of this play is very interesting… this play shows this topic should not be unsung!

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