Created by Andrew Riddles | Produced by The Persuasion | Origin: Ottawa, Canada
14 + fees

Show Details

This show was selected for an additional “Best of Fest” performance on Sunday, June 23 at 9:00PM. For tickets to this showing, click here.

After 34 years of marriage, Leslie thinks life has no surprises left in store for her. That is until her husband makes a shocking request…

Content Notes

  • Mature language: There are several instances of the word “fuck”
  • Sexual content: There are many conversations about sex

A transcript will be available for this show.

Click Here For Transcript


  • Thursday, June 13Sold Out
  • Saturday, June 15Sold Out
  • Monday, June 1710:30PM
  • Thursday, June 20Sold Out
  • Friday, June 219:30PM
  • Saturday, June 22Sold Out
  • Sunday, June 239:00PM
Buy Tickets

BUYSEXUAL explores the dynamics within a relationship when sexual appetites change, how both parties respond, and whether puffins help or hinder a marriage.

Starring: Kim Blanche, Harold Swaffield, Heather Trent, Heather Evens, and Logan Indewey

Stage manager: Keanna Louis-Charles

Directors: Elle Attson and Andrew Riddles

9 responses to “BUYSEXUAL

  1. Ottawa Fringe should really reconsider its rubric for “Best of Fest.” The title of this show clearly lured in all the local theater queers while having nothing to do with queerness. Clearly written for straight, older people who are still mentally stuck in the 1900s.

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