Bremner sings How To Pack A Revolution In Your Suitcase

Created by Bremner Fletcher | Produced by Big Empty Barn Productions | Origin: Montreal, Canada
Atelier Theatre
14 + fees

Show Details

What do you pack when you run? Art, music & songs! In wild 1920’s Berlin, creativity exploded, but artists fled when Hitler called them “cheats & madmen.” Bremner sings of hope & rebellion.

Content Notes

The show discusses issues of artistic creativity, immigration, revolution and war, using adult language to describe those issues

An extended content note is available for this show.

Click Here For Extended Content Note


  • Thursday, June 13Cancelled
  • Friday, June 14Cancelled
  • Saturday, June 15Cancelled
  • Sunday, June 16Cancelled
  • Thursday, June 206:30PM
  • Friday, June 215:30PM
  • Saturday, June 226:00PM
  • Sunday, June 231:30PM
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“A master of his craft… seamless blend of gripping entertainment & genuinely moving art.”
Edinburgh Fringe Review

“A baritone with operatic scope: instead of interludes, the songs become weapons.”
– See Magazine

2 responses to “Bremner sings How To Pack A Revolution In Your Suitcase

  1. Don’t overlook this inspiring show! Early cancelations caused it to miss out on the buzz it deserves. Fringe veteran Bremner is back in full force, mixing heart with brains, raw talent with time-crafted skill. His deep appreciation of the classic cabaret material is clear, and infectious. Far beyond merely sharing “catchy tunes”, Bremner shines a light on the revolutionary spirit and vision at their core. A healthy dose of hope for troubled times!

  2. Through the music of 1920s/30s Berlin, Bremner tells a haunting tale of artists crying out to be heard in the face of impending doom. The parallels to our time make the work particularly important. His love and respect for the music is evident throughout and it’s the very thing that pulls the audience in.

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