Get to know your Staff Part 1-Your Production Manager

Throughout the next ten days, we will be publishing five questions from key members of our staff that will give you an idea of who is running this festival. To start us off, I wrote to Laura Hall, our Production Manager.

1) Please tell us about your first Fringe experience as a participant. Was it in Ottawa?

My first Fringe was the 2004 Ottawa Festival when I performed in “The Root of all Squares”.

2) In a nutshell, what is your job description? What are things you end up doing that most people wouldn’t expect?

As production manager I coordinate and distribute all tech equipment. I’m the liaison between the Festival, venues and performers and I make people happy.

3) As the festival arrives, what excites you most about this year’s Fringe?

The Festival this year is probably the best one Ottawa has ever seen. We’ve got some kick-ass shows

4) You’re a Production Manager. Without naming names, what’s the most ridiculous request a show has made to you?

It’s the Fringe…everything shows request is silly. It’s all clown noses and over-sized shoes.

5) Our theme this year is Camp. Do you have any summer camp experiences that you can share?

The only summer camp I went to was a sports camp. And now I do theatre.


A big thanks to Laura for getting back to me with her answers.   Kampers, she is a pro.

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