Metro BEST OF FEST Winners Announced!

The numbers have been crunched, and we’re ready to announce the 2013 Ottawa Fringe Festival Metro BEST IN FEST winners.

The top selling show in each of the four main venues will receive an extra performance at 9:00 (for venues in Arts Court) or 9:30 pm (for venues in the Department of Theatre at the University of Ottawa).

Congratulations to winning companies (but you’ll have to watch the video to see who they are…)!

2 réponses à « Metro BEST OF FEST Winners Announced! »

  1. To paraphrase two well-known quotes: Just the text, please. I don’t need no stinkin’ video. Think about it – if you can’t play the video, or have lousy bandwidth, video is not the way to go. Please be less high-tech about basic announcements.


  2. Just write the winners. Don’t make me pay bandwidth to find out who won. Thank you.

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