Escape From Ottawa

Création de Tamlynn Bryson and Rod Peter Jr. | Production de Plisskin Productions | Origine: Toronto, Canada
Théâtre Atelier
14 + fees


It’s 1997, the future. Ottawa is now a prison. Snake Plisskin must ESCAPE FROM OTTAWA to clear their record, and if they feel like it, save the world. From the creators of « Bedwetter » and « Kitt & Jane » comes an epic action-comedy filled with puppets, motorcycle chases and dance offs.


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SEXUAL CONTENT: discussion of sexuality, sexual terms and profanity, and a puppet sex scene

SMOKING: one characters mimics smoking with candy cigarettes

VIOLENCE: the show is a parody of action movies, so there are silly fight scenes, crashes, etc.

A transcript will be available for this show.

Click Here For Transcript


  • Sunday, June 16Sold Out
  • Tuesday, June 187:30PM
  • Wednesday, June 197:00PM
  • Thursday, June 20Sold Out
  • Friday, June 21Sold Out
  • Saturday, June 22Sold Out
  • Sunday, June 23Sold Out

« Pitch-perfect. » – Edmonton Journal

7 réponses à « Escape From Ottawa »

  1. Saw this show in Edmonton, it was absolutely EPIC!! A hilarious ride from beginning to end, and sprinkled throughout are poignant commentaries on the tropes of these movies. If you ever think you know what’s happening next, think again. Do NOT miss this one!

  2. We just got home from seeing opening of this and it was one of the funniest shows we have ever seen. My husband in the car ride home couldn’t stop quoting his favourite lines. The snake tattoo had me in stitches. Which you can even buy as rub on tattoo after the show! Sold out and standing ovation well earned. Get your ticket well in advance cause it’s a small space and will sell out.

  3. A hilarious thrill ride! Never has Snake Plissken been made to look so manly, so virile, so misogynistically badass. Grab a ticket quick, the Atelier is small!

  4. What a fun show! So funny, action packed, and full of explosions.

    If you want something that doesn’t take itself seriously and rolls itself in the seriousness of 90s action movies: this one is for you.

  5. You’ve seen him escape New York.

    You’ve seen him escape LA.

    Will he manage to escape from Ottawa?

    Absolutely hilarious, start to finish laughs and brilliant top to bottom.

    Explosions, puppetry, Steve Buscemi… you get knocked down, but you get up again.

  6. One of the most creative shows I’ve seen, the use of projection was hilarious and interesting. This performer can really keep an audiences attention.

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