Call for Artists – #OTTFRINGE POP UP PATIO

The POP UP PATIO series is a weekly performance showcase of local artists, taking place at Arts Court’s outdoor courtyard (67 Nicholas Street).  

We are currently seeking submissions from Ottawa-based artists for short works (about 7 minutes). This multidisciplinary performance series is organized in the Fringe spirit, artists have the freedom to choose whatever content and genre they wish, it can be anything from storytelling, to music, dance, spoken word, clown, etc. 

The #OTTFRINGE POP UP PATIO will be held every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 PM, and will be live-streamed to the Ottawa Fringe Twitch Page (as well as to 

We are offering a performance fee for artists. 


The application is short and asks for the following:

  • Number of performers in your act
  • Contact tracing information
  • Two headshot/photo options
  • A short bio that would fit into a tweet (140-280 words)
  • Genre and/or title of show
  • Tech requirements

*Please be aware that we are following physical distancing and safety measures. While on-site you will be asked to wear a mask and sanitize your hands. You may remove your face covering only when performing. Our staff will be responsible for cleaning equipment in between acts. 

Following City of Ottawa guidelines, we are allowing a small invite-only audience of 15 people max. Participating artists are welcome to invite up to 3 friends and we ask that you send us each of their email addresses for contact tracing purposes. 

Ready to apply? CLICK HERE.


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