$10 Matinees: Corpus

A young genocide scholar stumbles across the mysterious relationship between the wife of a Nazi officer and a Polish Jewish prisoner in Auschwitz. As she investigates a dark history, Megan is torn between her quest for academic fame and the unexpected charms of her online lover, the seductive Heinrich. A tale about history and memory told with humour and compassion.


@ Arts Court

2 Daly Avenue

May 1-10, 2014

Preview: May 1



$10 Matinees
May 3, 7, 10
2PM show


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Une réponse à « $10 Matinees: Corpus »

  1. Hi Tez, Nor should you feel any shame about using these aids. You’re a great emapxle of someone with a physical disability who understands that it’s the same for people with brain disabilities. Thanks for your support and your great words.- Natasha

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