So you want to tour a Fringe show…

We all agree that the Ottawa Fringe Festival is pretty great, yes? (yes) Well, if two weeks of annual Fringing aren’t enough for you, let me introduce you to the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals (or CAFF for the acronym-inclined).

Made up of the more than 20 member festivals across Canada and the United States (yes, you’re reading that correctly) CAFF offers support and resources not only for Fringe Festivals and their producers, but also for artists who may be interested in participating in one or more Fringes in a summer.

For the past 13 years CAFF has run the Touring Lottery: a one-stop application for artists wanting to tour to five or more festivals in any given year. Instead of having to fill out applications for the eight Fringes you’re hoping to get in to this summer, you only have to fill out one (because everyone hates paperwork, amiright?), and if successful you’ll have eight months to plan your tour (Protip: pack light).

Applying is easy: just fill out their online form (there’s also a paper copy available) and you’re all set. But hurry, the deadline is TODAY at 5:00 pm.

Missed their deadline? No worries, you’ve still got more than a month to apply to the 2014 Ottawa Fringe.




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