10 Days of Fringe Previews: Day 4 – Superhero Showdown

It’s appropriate, I think, after yesterday’s post about Fringe For Families that we follow up with a show appropriate for ages 1+ (all you newborns can take your business elsewhere!). You may have seen Ottawa’s Rock The Arts performing in the Courtyard in the past, or maybe you caught them at the Ottawa Theatre Challenge, winning the coveted Rubber Chicken Award a couple of years ago.

Rock The Arts · Ottawa, ON
by Sarah Argue & Megan Carty

The puppets have entered the world of Superheroes. But what makes a superhero super? Is it their colourful capes, cool wristbands, or is it because they can fly? Come enter Creatureville and explore what’s behind these costumed creatures and what really makes a puppet (or a human) super.


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