BYOV applications now available.

Do you have the perfect site-specific show but are still looking for a time to present it?  Did you cry yourself to sleep after losing the Fringe lottery, vowing to find a way to bring your piece to our Festival by any means necessary?  Then you’re in luck!

The 2013 Bring Your Own Venue application is available for download HERE!  We start accepting forms on a first-come-first-served basis starting Monday February 4th 2013.   If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Festival Producer Natalie Joy Quesnel at or 613.232.6162.

2 réponses à « BYOV applications now available. »

  1. I am confused. BYOV applications available NOW but accepted on Feb 4th on first come first basis. Is it a draw? If so, where is the form? I hope to hear from you. Best Wishes. R Welch.

  2. We make the applications available ahead of time so companies can properly prepare before Feb 4th. The form is available by clicking

    Companies who properly fulfill all application requirements are accepted after February 4th on a first come first served basis.

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