Countdown to Fringe: 3 Days

Three days to Fringe! The festival office, usually an oasis from the chaos of Arts Court, is buzzing with artists, staff, media, and patrons as we are only 72 hours away from Fringe! We’re ready, but are you?

  1. Do you have your program? (if not, head to any Bridgehead, Public Library, or Arts Court. OR, click here for a PDF)
  2. Have you made your schedule? (can’t decide what to see? Check out Fringe previews on the Capital Critics Circle website, interviews conducted by The Visitorium, or preview trailers on our YouTube channel)
  3. Have you bought your advanced tickets? (many many MANY shows sold out last year. If there’s a show (or four) you desperately NEED to see, buy your tickets now and you can brag later to all those suckers who missed out.)
  4. Did you book time off work? (there are 52 shows to see in 10 days. You might want to call in sick now. I can write you a note, if that makes things easier.)

And as in past years, we’ve got your back, parents. If you’re looking to Fringe but don’t want to bring the kids, or if you want to get your kids hooked on the Fringe early in life, head over to our For Parents page, which has details about our Mini-Fringers program, as well as a list of family-friendly shows everyone can enjoy (or not enjoy. It is the Fringe, after all). You can also listen to our Behind the Fringe podcast on Mini Fringers to learn more about it (WARNING: podcast contains extreme cuteness).

And in case you missed it last year, here is Fringe Minute’s expose on Mini-Fringers…

Three days to Fringe! I won’t sleep until it starts!

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