Best in Fest Winners announced

Ottawa Fringe Festival Executive Producer Natalie Joy Quesnel announced the BEST IN FEST winners in the Fringe Courtyard tonight during Chats with Cat.

The top selling show in each of the four main venues (based on total number of tickets sold over their first four performances) will receive an extra performance on Sunday, June 24 at 9:00 pm.  See a show you missed the first time, or see something you loved a second time!

Congratulations to the following shows and companies:

Venue 1 – Arts Court Theatre
Martin Dockery  – Wanderlust

Venue 2 – Arts Court Library
Sandrine Lafond Inc –Little Lady

Venue 3 – Academic Hall
Glassiano Productions – Fallen: The Book of Samael

Venue 4 – Studio Léonard-Beaulne
Emanate Productions – Vernus says SURPRISE

Tickets for BEST IN FEST performances can be purchased online, by phone, in person (at the main Fringe Box Office), and at the door 1 hour prior to performance time.

BEST IN FEST performances also serve as a fundraiser for the Ottawa Fringe, with 50% of box office revenue going to the artists, and 50% to the festival.

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