10 Days of Fringe Previews – Day 4: Vernus Says SURPRISE

Emanate Productions
Ottawa, Canada
by Ken Godmere
55 mins | Comedy, Drama, Clown, Mime | General

In our busy, noisy world, sometimes it is the quietest characters who share the most. Vernus is an 89-year-old man who never gets the chance to speak. Today, he is determined to find the perfect gift for his granddaughter – even if he has a little trouble getting there.

Venue 4 – Studio Leonard Beaulne
Monday June 18 8:30
Tuesday June 19 8:30
Wednesday June 20 10:00
Friday June 22 10:00
Saturday June 23 5:00
Sunday June 24 1:30

And here’s a not-so-silent interview between Rachel, Ken, and director Tania Levy.

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