Fringe Wants You!

Only 17 days until Fringe – and as we gear up for what promises to be the best 10 days of the year, we’re still looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help make the festival happen. Volunteers are the backbone of the Fringe. Without their support, what we do wouldn’t be possible.

Volunteering with the Fringe is a fun, rewarding experience and a great way to meet people and gain valuable experience. When you volunteer with the Fringe, you get:

  • An official Ottawa Fringe Festival volunteer t-shirt
  • One voucher redeemable for admission to a Fringe performance of your choice for each shift you work before or during the festival.
  • Training at pre-festival workshops applicable to your volunteering interests.
  • An official letter of recognition and thanks for the valuable time that you chose to spend with us.
  • And a really good time!

Interested in volunteering? Fill out our volunteer application form!

Volunteer orientation sessions are happening THIS WEEK on Tuesday May 29 and Wednesday May 30 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Arts Court. If you can’t make those sessions, go here and check out the rest of the available times.

And don’t forget: Friday June 1 is AN EVENING WITH SCOTT THOMPSON – a fundraiser for the Ottawa Fringe sponsored by the Downtown Rideau BIA and Lunenburg Pub & Bar. In anticipation of the show, why not check out Scott’s Fruit Blog (yes, you read that right), which is available on his YouTube channel. You can spend a whole morning watching Scott and pals chat about fruit (trust me, it’s very easy. This post was supposed to go up at 9:00 am…). I now know more about Green Peppers than I ever thought I would…

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